Aimindai Stefania
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Возраст: 24
Козерог - Гороскоп (25.12.1999)






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Hello Friends,

Finally I have got those top 10 female legends who really tortured their navel without showing any mercy. So here are the list

Top 10 legends from 2011 to 2020, who likes and did hard navel torture without showing any mercy on navel....

1. Maimai (Status : Active). She is our childhood crush. She is a legend. You can say that she is the first girl who showed us how torturing navel can be done hardly. She really showed no mercy on her navel. You will get her videos on you tube as well as by searching on google. Past 10 years, she is still in no. 1 position. But she got silent for a while but she recently posted some of her new navel torture videos to make her fan happy. She is so beautiful and she got married. We hope she will be on top for another 10 years.

2. Azucena Ombligo (Status : Active). The girl who started to torture her innie navel when she was in the age of her sweet sixteen. She is the girl who loves her navel base really much and tortures till she want more pleasure. She had done many things with her navel even tortured with tattoo machine, can you imagine. She also shows no mercy towards her navel and enjoys to torture. She was so active like Maimai but not more than her so she deserves the position 2 in legend list.

3. German Girl (Status : Inactive). She was just active for 4 years on you tube but she did really pleasurable things into her navel. She is the one who did really hard things on her navel. She is famous for his nick name "German girl". Like Maimai, her videos can be found on any adult sites but not on YouTube as she or YT has closed the account. Just we have memory on VK. Last time in 2016, she was active on YT. She deserve no. 3 as she is tortured her navel from soft to hard

4. Claudia Navel (Status : Active). She is the first who likes to bleed and burn the navel without showing any mercy. As per the sources, her videos are still hidden as she don't upload her videos. I have to place her on no. 4 because of the entry of Azucena and also the video visibility, the popularity, and the fame but I am sure she may be no.1 in next 10 years if she continues

5. Lost Girl (Status : Inactive). As per her name, she got lost. The girl who always tortured her navel and flown the blood from her navel. She mainly used knife and had very deep navel. But she gone very immediately. Some says she is still active on VK. Some had recommended me the name but i don't know who is she. She holds the position of no. 5 for bleeding her navel sooooo much.

6. Xinxin (Status : Inactive). She was the only girl who like to torture her navel with drilling machine. I have some of her navel drilling videos which so bloody. She has deep navel and the rotation of drill makes her so hot. She was active just only for maximum 1 or 2 years but did really great things. For her effort I have put her on no. 6. May she returns.

7. Joana Atanasijevic (Status : Active). The one who has very deep navel and she tortures her navel very violently. She bleed her navel as much as she can even the blood has to struggle to come out from her navel because of depth. She is still active according to sources and she will do with her wishes. She only like to stab her navel that's why she is on no. 7

8. Lin Anna (Status : Active). The girl who likes to use long syringe needles or any medical syringe into her navel. She just injects the water or water like chemicals into her navel. She is even inserted 2 or more needles into her navel and injected the water. She really don't feel the pain. She always do in comfortable position that's why she holds the rank of no.8

9. Slim Chinese Girl (Status : Inactive). You have seen a slim girl who looks like Chinese but always pokes her navel with sticks, scissors or something else. She always use these things to poke her navel very deeply and press deeply inside. She also shows no mercy but famous for what she did for her navel. I don't know where is she now and no body knows about her. She is on no. 9 for her effort

10. Liu Yuxin (Status : Active) She is the only girl who deserve no. 10 position because of her longest running navel torture video of more than 22 minutes. She does all the stuff mentioned in the video but ended with stabbing her navel with huge bleeding. She is active not on VK but on QQ

Conclusion: I have taken so much time because I got stuck between Maimai and Azucena. Both girls are torturing her navel from past 15 to 16 years approx. For proof I have seen Maimai's 14 year old video while also I found a forum in which i have found the post of Azucena Ombligo which is also 14 to 15 years old and she is asking people to share ideas and chat on the topic of navel torture. Both are torturing her navel during these time but due to popularity Maimai deserve than Azucena and world's knows that she is real legend.

I have sorry for Claudia but there was no option for me, I tried to fit her but ended for no. 4. German Girl is more popular than Claudia even her videos are widely spreads as compared to Claudia who has huge videos but limited videos for public. But I am sure she may be no. 1 as both Maimai and Azucena are getting older and Claudia is so young and fit. Her navel and belly still more sexy than other navel girl.

I really miss Xinxin as she is the girl who like to drill her navel, I saw her video which is very bloody. Wish there should be more girls

Liu Yuxin is lucky that she got named on the list. Her longest video on navel torture is so appreciated. Maimai also tortured her navel and recorded longest video but that was in part wise not in one time duration.

There are so many girls on VK who likes to torture their navel without thinking any harm or damage. Some of the name I would really like to mention - Sofia Galatas, Emilia yotomo, Aimindai albert, Claire Rose , Ama Smith, Stabbing Queen, Zarozhdenie Silva, Van Lili etc. Some girls arrived late but some are torturing her navel but not sharing anything for proof

All above details I got from different kinds of sources like chatting with person on vk and other social media, old media, personal view and experience, blogs etc. Also I put them on their respective position due to their popularity and others.

And at last for ladies, I just appreciate you and what you did with your navel that's why I have given credit to you all. Women's are so stronger than men....and you are the legends of the decades
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