Елена Казьмина
Offline, последняя активность Сегодня 14:11:32 Android
Возраст: 37
Телец - Гороскоп (10.5.1987)






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Открытые анкетные данные Казьминой Елены:

Упоминание Елены Казьминой в коментариях и постах

@Helen Hotel Питер
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✈Из Новокузнецка!
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Поздравляем с Днём рождения наших подписчиков!

Марина Александровна, Ирина Васильченко, Светик Утарбаева, Инна Микерова, Евгения Зубарева, Юлия Морозова, Юлия Хуснутдинова, Светлана Михеева, Светлана Иванова, Яна Янина, Светлана Зюлина, Лариса Бадрутдинова, Майя Бузинова, Любовь Кутейкина, Елена Казьмина, Вера Говязина, Екатерина Тихомирова, Инна Сидоренкова, Елена Ширкова-Филатова, Галина Громова, Шамсинюр Васипова, Анастасия Дунаева, Ирина Дементьева, Аня Аня, Наталья Мамонтова, Надежда Ковалева, Ирина Городкова, Наталья Бегишева, Ольга Митина, Лариса Фатиева, Оксана Мелюшина, Майя Ершова, Марина Колесникова, Наталья Рязанцева, Архип Возеневский, Ольга Салимханова, Альбина Башкирова, Юлия Лисецкая, Ольга Цейер, Людмила Кузнецова, Наталья Семенишина, Тамара Плотникова, Наталья Петровна, Альфия Тухватуллина, Наталья Мусатова, Нюргустана Павлова, Виктория Уральская, Алёна Чигинцева, Nelly Kravtsov, Ольга Козуб, Нонна Буравчук, Вера Дробышева, Татьяна Карпеченко, Галина Бабкина, Татьяна Шамовская, Жанна Зятикова, Леонид Корпатов, Валентина Ермолаева, Ольга Яковенко, Аня Тагилова, Надежда Привалова, Танзиля Хадиатова, Татьяна Ремезова, Татьяна Гамазина, Татьяна Гурина, Марина Шипова, Валерия Белова, Надежда Пастухова, Татьяна Трубникова, Кира Яковлева, София Кодинцева, Валентина Колпакова, Тамара Говязина, Руслан Иванов, Victorya Vosk, Светлана Возмищева, Светлана Иванова, Наталья Чумак, Ирина Тимофеева

Поздравляем с Днем Рождения!
Счастья, радости, веселья!
Пусть Ваш новый в жизни год
Лишь успехов принесет!
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Рада приветствовать Вас 👋 и познакомить с направлениями курсов, запись на которые веду в 🧑‍🏫 офлайн (очной) и
🖥️ онлайн форме

Немного обо мне:

Руководитель Языковой студии НР
Языковая студия № 1
@Helen Nosovа #Елена Носова
#Педагог иностранного языка с 2007 года
#Репетитор английского по зарубежным, авторским и школьным пограммам
#Специалист по комплексным развивающим занятиям, подготовке к школе для дошкольников, русскому языку для учащихся начальной школы
#Автор курсов "Умный совёнок", "Чтение с "О", "Чистописание", "Грамотность"

Для уточнения информации//записи на занятия звоните 📳 8 953 570 29 02 или пишите 📝 здесь + Viber//WhatsApp
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Рада приветствовать Вас 👋 и познакомить с направлениями курсов, запись на которые веду в 🧑‍🏫 офлайн (очной) и
🖥️ онлайн форме

Немного обо мне:

Руководитель Языковой студии НР
Языковая студия № 1
@Helen Nosovа #Елена Носова
#Педагог иностранного языка с 2007 года
#Репетитор английского по зарубежным, авторским и школьным пограммам
#Специалист по комплексным развивающим занятиям, подготовке к школе для дошкольников, русскому языку для учащихся начальной школы
#Автор курсов "Умный совёнок", "Чтение с "О", "Чистописание", "Грамотность"

Для уточнения информации//записи на занятия звоните 📳 8 953 570 29 02 или пишите 📝 здесь + Viber//WhatsApp
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Needle Tatting for beginners | Beautiful Heart Earrings #tatting @Helen's Crafts
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​@Дина Белая привет hand-pink-waving

Дина Белая
​@фывжжжжжжжя Правильно))

Boris Poluianov
​Были бы цены на энергоресурсы ниже и войны бы не было, но может случились демократические революции?🤔

Дина Белая
@Egor @Ash Привет!

@Ash привет!

Дина Белая
​В воскресение ЧКП в 15:00!!! Время другое! Не пропустите!

@Ash @Boris Poluianov привет hand-pink-waving

Boris Poluianov

​@Дина Белая Никакой стабильности в жизни😒

Лера Иванова
​Привет, китятки 🐳🐳🐳‼миру мир! Всё будет рок^н^рол! 🍀🌻🍀

Дина Белая
​@WiccanFire1000 мне тоже прежнее было удобнее, уже точно дома, вечер.. но что делать.

Дина Белая
​@Лера Иванова Привет!

@Egor,@Wiccan, спасибо большое

​Веник в каске🤣

Elena Davydova
​Привет, народ!

Дина Белая
​@WiccanFire1000 интервью Милашиной смотрели?

​@Elena Davydova привет hand-pink-waving

Дина Белая
​@Elena Davydova Привет!

​Elena Davydova Привет!

​ 👋 Приветствую WiccanFire1000 фывжжжжжжжя Дина Белая Elena Davydova Egor Boris Poluianov Ash, а также Кабысдох ✌

Дина Белая
​@АльбУс Привет!

​АльбУс Привет!

Лера Иванова
​Дина Белая , приветствую! 🍀🌻🍀

​@АльбУс hand-pink-waving

Elena Davydova
​@WiccanFire1000 @Ash @Helga @Egor @Дина Белая @Кабысдох @Boris Poluianov @Лера Иванова @АльбУс приветствую!

​Всем персональный привет, ребята 🤝🇮🇱🇺🇦☮🌞

Helen Sar
​Elena Davydova привет!

Лера Иванова
​Elena Davydova!🍀🌻🍀

Дина Белая
@Helga Привет!

Elena Davydova
​@фывжжжжжжжя @Helen Sar приветствую!

​Ash, привет!✌

​Елена Давыдова, привет!🌻

​@Elena Davydova,@ash,@Дина Белая✋💕

Boris Poluianov
#Elena Davydova #АльбУс

Helen Sar
​Завтра пятница 13 - ойейей!

​@АльбУс @Elena Davydova приветствую!

​@Дина Белая Выборочно.

​Альбус, привет!✊

Elena Davydova
​@Жора приветствую!

​@Жора привет hand-pink-waving

​Egor, привет!✌

Elena Davydova

​@Жора, приветствую 🤝🌞

​Поставьте, пожалуйста, лайк! Не событиям, а каналу за информацию. И подпишитесь!

Дина Белая
​@WiccanFire1000 про Янгулбаевых видели?

​Ля какой пиджак

​Говорят Путин молится всенощно, чтобы Хезболла вступила в полномасштабную войну

Keар М
​Всем привет из Ярославля!

Keар М
​Егор привет!

​@Keар М привет hand-pink-waving

​@Дина Белая Нет, это пропустила(

Дина Белая
​@Keар М он его давно носит)

@Ash ...Привет ))

​Жора ✌✊

Дина Белая
​@WiccanFire1000 Вик, посмотрите, я серьезно. там все плохо, но надо знать((

​Чой-то? Уже не хочет Израиль уничтожать?

Elena Davydova
​@Keар М приветствую!

Waldemar Dauwalter
​Чату привет 🙌🤟. Будьте здоровы 🙏. Путлер капут 👎👎👎👎👎.

​Keар М Ещё раз!)

Дина Белая
@Waldemar Dauwalter Привет!

​@Дина Белая Да я их историю знаю более-менее. По три с лишним часа смотреть тупо времени нет.

Keар М
​Дина привет, здоровались, но хорошего мало не бывает!

​terrible news

Marina Sagomonyan

@Waldemar Dauwalter привет!

​Waldemar Dauwalter Воистину Капут!

Дина Белая
​@WiccanFire1000 понятно
Добро пожаловать в чат! Не забывайте о конфиденциальности своих данных и соблюдайте принципы нашего сообщества.

Keар М
​Елена Давыдова, Кабысдох приветы!

​@WiccanFire1000 не понял. Он как ХАМАС не имеет отношения

Elena Davydova
@Waldemar Dauwalter приветствую!

Helen Sar
​В Сирии и Ливане тоже непонятно как живут люди - в разрухе!

Дина Белая
@Ash вот это 100%

@Egor У него кардинально другая доктрина?


Дина Белая
​В воскресение ЧКП в 15:00!!! Время другое! Не пропустите!

​WF 1000 привет!

партия ШУХЕР party_chuxer
​готв придумать схуму минск 3 тельавив 3. за 30 млн уе

​@WiccanFire1000 да. Мы ненавидим евреев, но терракты не устраиваем

​@Мостовик Приветствую!

партия ШУХЕР party_chuxer
​с кем токо тереть ето

Дима Дегтярёв

Дина Белая
​@Мостовик Привет!

Polina Erofeeva
​Кто спасет палестинцев в Газе?

Elena Davydova
​@Мостовик приветствую!

@Egor а, ну да. Большая разница *sarcasm*

партия ШУХЕР party_chuxer

Дина Белая
@Polina Erofeeva никто. На них всем плевать.
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🔴🔥👉 soudainement » *Helen Smart - 42 ans - Royaume-Uni
*Membre renommé de l’équipe olympique britannique de natation - Médaillé d’argent
*Directeur de l’école primaire communautaire de Worsley Mesnes
*16 août 2023
*Décédé subitement🔴
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Drawings by Guantánamo 'Forever Prisoner' Abu Zubaydah Expose Details of US Torture
Brett WilkinsMay 11, 2023
A report published this week featuring previously unreleased drawings by Abu Zubaydah—a 52-year-old Saudi who has been imprisoned by the United States for more than 20 years at CIA "black sites" and Guantánamo Bay—offers new insight into torture suffered by a man caught up in a case of mistaken identity.

The report—entitled American Torturers: FBI and CIA Abuses at Dark Sites and Guantánamo—is based on sketches and descriptions by Zubaydah and other War on Terror torture victims and was led by Seton Hall University law professor Mark Denbeaux and University of California, San Francisco psychiatry professor Jess Ghannam, with the help of Seton Hall law students.

"Despite the efforts of the federal government, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency, to conceal evidence of the actual operation of the 'enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) deployed on detainees in dark sites and at Guantánamo, a steady drumbeat of disclosures has provided an unparalleled view into this disgraceful episode in the nation's history," the report states.

"Everybody agrees, they tortured the wrong guy; they went ahead anyway so they could get permission to torture other people."

The report notes that Zubaydah's drawings "viscerally convey the brutal reality the CIA sought to hide with its calculated destruction of video recordings of torture conducted by its agents," and "dovetail with the recent accounts of Dr. James Mitchell, a chief architect of the torture regime, who both wrote a book on EITs and testified in hearings on Guantánamo."

"These sources, together with the report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, provide the most complete—and compelling—account to date of America's torture program" in the years after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the publication states.

\u201c\ud83d\udc40 Previously unseen drawings show the various torture methods used by the CIA against Abu Zubaydah, including physical/sexual assault, waterboarding, and more. \n\nContrary to their claims, the report details how the FBI was complicit in his and other detainees' torture.\u201d

— CAGE (@CAGE) 1683816713
Born in Saudi Arabia, Zubaydah moved to the West Bank in Israeli-occupied Palestine as a teenager. He was captured by CIA, FBI, and Pakistani intelligence agents in Pakistan in late March 2002. Shot in the thigh, testicle, and stomach during the raid that led to his capture, Zubaydah—who was mistaken for a high-ranking al-Qaeda member—was transferred to CIA "black sites" in Pakistan, Thailand, Afghanistan, Poland, Northern Africa, and Diego Garcia. In September 2006, he was sent to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, where he remains imprisoned.

Zubaydah was the first so-called "high-value" detainee to be tortured by U.S. agents, who treated him as a human guinea pig.

"Everybody agrees, they tortured the wrong guy; they went ahead anyway so they could get permission to torture other people," Denbeaux told The Guardian, which on Thursday posted the report along with an articleby Ed Pilkington on Zubaydah's experience.

Then-Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and CIA Director George Tenet gave the green light for U.S. agents to torture Zubaydah—even after learning that the prisoner was cooperative. During one discussion on the matter, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft reportedly remarked: "Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly."

\u201cImagine: 21 yrs without trial in #CIA black sites and #Guantanamo; entire medieval torture program created to \u201cbreak\u201d him but they found no #AlQaeda link & no #9/11 prior knowledge. In fact, he\u2019s compensated by 3 EU nations for facilitating CIA torture 1/ https://t.co/8KhD6nPX2m\u201d

— Moazzam Begg (@Moazzam Begg) 1683807758
Zubaydah was subjected to the interrupted drowning technique known as "waterboarding" 83 times; rape under the pretext of "rectal feeding"; shackling in excruciating "stress positions"; sleep, sensory, and food deprivation; confinement in small boxes; exposure to extreme temperatures and loud music; death threats; beatings and being slammed into walls; sexual and religious humiliation; and other abuses.

Most of the torture techniques approved by the George W. Bush administration—which included waterboarding, deprivation, stress positions, the use of loud music and dogs, slamming into walls, solitary confinement, and exposure to extreme temperatures—are illegal under both domestic and international law.

In addition to these approved EITs, U.S. military and intelligence personnel subjected terrorism detainees—many of them innocent men, women, and children—to additional abuses, including homicide, rape, imprisonment of relatives as bargaining chips, exposure to sometimes lethally extreme temperatures, and brutal beatings.

"Sexual assault was never approved, nudity was never approved, humiliation by having women present was never approved, and nor was subjecting someone to prolonged torture to the point of exhaustion or worse," Denbeaux told The Guardian.

"Prisoners died of torture at Asadadad, Bagram, and Gardez in Afghanistan and at Abu Ghraib, Camp Whitehorse, Basra, Mosul, Tikrit, Bucca, and an unidentified facility in Iraq."

According to a 2005 report by the National Library of Medicine—a federal agency—based on reviews of military documents, 26 War on Terror detainees died as a result of "criminal homicide," although the paper did not say how many prisoners died on the battlefield or while in U.S. custody.

"Prisoners died of torture at Asadadad, Bagram, and Gardez in Afghanistan and at Abu Ghraib, Camp Whitehorse, Basra, Mosul, Tikrit, Bucca, and an unidentified facility in Iraq," the report stated. "These cases do not include deaths due to medical neglect, mortar attacks on prisons, or the shootings of rioting prisoners."

Zubaydah has never been charged with any crime or tried. He is what's known as a "forever prisoner," as the U.S. has no plans to release him.

Last month, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called for Zubaydah's immediate release while asserting that his continued imprisonment violates the "fundamental rules of international law" and "may constitute crimes against humanity."

\u201cCredit to @ClareDalyMEP for amplifying the UN Working Grp on Arbitrary Detention's decision in our client #AbuZubaydah's case, calling for EU states to step up and offer resettlement. Urgent action needed to end crimes against humanity, torture & arbitrary detention. #Guantanamo\u201d

— Helen Duffy (@Helen Duffy) 1683811253
Thirty men remain imprisoned at Guantánamo. Only one has been convicted of a crime. Ten have cases pending before what former military prosecutors have called "rigged" military tribunals, while 16 have been approved or recommended for release.

The administration of President Joe Biden—who has expressed intent to close Guantánamo—has overseen the transfer of a handful of Gitmo prisoners to third countries.

Denbeaux said that "Abu Zubaydah is the poster child for America's torture program."

"He was the first person to be tortured, having been approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew to be false," Denbeaux noted. "His drawings are the ultimate repudiation of the failure and abuses of torture."
Ссылка на источник
Drawings by Guantánamo 'Forever Prisoner' Abu Zubaydah Expose Details of US Torture
Brett WilkinsMay 11, 2023
A report published this week featuring previously unreleased drawings by Abu Zubaydah—a 52-year-old Saudi who has been imprisoned by the United States for more than 20 years at CIA "black sites" and Guantánamo Bay—offers new insight into torture suffered by a man caught up in a case of mistaken identity.

The report—entitled American Torturers: FBI and CIA Abuses at Dark Sites and Guantánamo—is based on sketches and descriptions by Zubaydah and other War on Terror torture victims and was led by Seton Hall University law professor Mark Denbeaux and University of California, San Francisco psychiatry professor Jess Ghannam, with the help of Seton Hall law students.

"Despite the efforts of the federal government, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency, to conceal evidence of the actual operation of the 'enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) deployed on detainees in dark sites and at Guantánamo, a steady drumbeat of disclosures has provided an unparalleled view into this disgraceful episode in the nation's history," the report states.

"Everybody agrees, they tortured the wrong guy; they went ahead anyway so they could get permission to torture other people."

The report notes that Zubaydah's drawings "viscerally convey the brutal reality the CIA sought to hide with its calculated destruction of video recordings of torture conducted by its agents," and "dovetail with the recent accounts of Dr. James Mitchell, a chief architect of the torture regime, who both wrote a book on EITs and testified in hearings on Guantánamo."

"These sources, together with the report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, provide the most complete—and compelling—account to date of America's torture program" in the years after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the publication states.

\u201c\ud83d\udc40 Previously unseen drawings show the various torture methods used by the CIA against Abu Zubaydah, including physical/sexual assault, waterboarding, and more. \n\nContrary to their claims, the report details how the FBI was complicit in his and other detainees' torture.\u201d

— CAGE (@CAGE) 1683816713
Born in Saudi Arabia, Zubaydah moved to the West Bank in Israeli-occupied Palestine as a teenager. He was captured by CIA, FBI, and Pakistani intelligence agents in Pakistan in late March 2002. Shot in the thigh, testicle, and stomach during the raid that led to his capture, Zubaydah—who was mistaken for a high-ranking al-Qaeda member—was transferred to CIA "black sites" in Pakistan, Thailand, Afghanistan, Poland, Northern Africa, and Diego Garcia. In September 2006, he was sent to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, where he remains imprisoned.

Zubaydah was the first so-called "high-value" detainee to be tortured by U.S. agents, who treated him as a human guinea pig.

"Everybody agrees, they tortured the wrong guy; they went ahead anyway so they could get permission to torture other people," Denbeaux told The Guardian, which on Thursday posted the report along with an articleby Ed Pilkington on Zubaydah's experience.

Then-Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and CIA Director George Tenet gave the green light for U.S. agents to torture Zubaydah—even after learning that the prisoner was cooperative. During one discussion on the matter, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft reportedly remarked: "Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly."

\u201cImagine: 21 yrs without trial in #CIA black sites and #Guantanamo; entire medieval torture program created to \u201cbreak\u201d him but they found no #AlQaeda link & no #9/11 prior knowledge. In fact, he\u2019s compensated by 3 EU nations for facilitating CIA torture 1/ https://t.co/8KhD6nPX2m\u201d

— Moazzam Begg (@Moazzam Begg) 1683807758
Zubaydah was subjected to the interrupted drowning technique known as "waterboarding" 83 times; rape under the pretext of "rectal feeding"; shackling in excruciating "stress positions"; sleep, sensory, and food deprivation; confinement in small boxes; exposure to extreme temperatures and loud music; death threats; beatings and being slammed into walls; sexual and religious humiliation; and other abuses.

Most of the torture techniques approved by the George W. Bush administration—which included waterboarding, deprivation, stress positions, the use of loud music and dogs, slamming into walls, solitary confinement, and exposure to extreme temperatures—are illegal under both domestic and international law.

In addition to these approved EITs, U.S. military and intelligence personnel subjected terrorism detainees—many of them innocent men, women, and children—to additional abuses, including homicide, rape, imprisonment of relatives as bargaining chips, exposure to sometimes lethally extreme temperatures, and brutal beatings.

"Sexual assault was never approved, nudity was never approved, humiliation by having women present was never approved, and nor was subjecting someone to prolonged torture to the point of exhaustion or worse," Denbeaux told The Guardian.

"Prisoners died of torture at Asadadad, Bagram, and Gardez in Afghanistan and at Abu Ghraib, Camp Whitehorse, Basra, Mosul, Tikrit, Bucca, and an unidentified facility in Iraq."

According to a 2005 report by the National Library of Medicine—a federal agency—based on reviews of military documents, 26 War on Terror detainees died as a result of "criminal homicide," although the paper did not say how many prisoners died on the battlefield or while in U.S. custody.

"Prisoners died of torture at Asadadad, Bagram, and Gardez in Afghanistan and at Abu Ghraib, Camp Whitehorse, Basra, Mosul, Tikrit, Bucca, and an unidentified facility in Iraq," the report stated. "These cases do not include deaths due to medical neglect, mortar attacks on prisons, or the shootings of rioting prisoners."

Zubaydah has never been charged with any crime or tried. He is what's known as a "forever prisoner," as the U.S. has no plans to release him.

Last month, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called for Zubaydah's immediate release while asserting that his continued imprisonment violates the "fundamental rules of international law" and "may constitute crimes against humanity."

\u201cCredit to @ClareDalyMEP for amplifying the UN Working Grp on Arbitrary Detention's decision in our client #AbuZubaydah's case, calling for EU states to step up and offer resettlement. Urgent action needed to end crimes against humanity, torture & arbitrary detention. #Guantanamo\u201d

— Helen Duffy (@Helen Duffy) 1683811253
Thirty men remain imprisoned at Guantánamo. Only one has been convicted of a crime. Ten have cases pending before what former military prosecutors have called "rigged" military tribunals, while 16 have been approved or recommended for release.

The administration of President Joe Biden—who has expressed intent to close Guantánamo—has overseen the transfer of a handful of Gitmo prisoners to third countries.

Denbeaux said that "Abu Zubaydah is the poster child for America's torture program."

"He was the first person to be tortured, having been approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew to be false," Denbeaux noted. "His drawings are the ultimate repudiation of the failure and abuses of torture."
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Drawings by Guantánamo 'Forever Prisoner' Abu Zubaydah Expose Details of US Torture
Brett WilkinsMay 11, 2023
A report published this week featuring previously unreleased drawings by Abu Zubaydah—a 52-year-old Saudi who has been imprisoned by the United States for more than 20 years at CIA "black sites" and Guantánamo Bay—offers new insight into torture suffered by a man caught up in a case of mistaken identity.

The report—entitled American Torturers: FBI and CIA Abuses at Dark Sites and Guantánamo—is based on sketches and descriptions by Zubaydah and other War on Terror torture victims and was led by Seton Hall University law professor Mark Denbeaux and University of California, San Francisco psychiatry professor Jess Ghannam, with the help of Seton Hall law students.

"Despite the efforts of the federal government, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency, to conceal evidence of the actual operation of the 'enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) deployed on detainees in dark sites and at Guantánamo, a steady drumbeat of disclosures has provided an unparalleled view into this disgraceful episode in the nation's history," the report states.

"Everybody agrees, they tortured the wrong guy; they went ahead anyway so they could get permission to torture other people."

The report notes that Zubaydah's drawings "viscerally convey the brutal reality the CIA sought to hide with its calculated destruction of video recordings of torture conducted by its agents," and "dovetail with the recent accounts of Dr. James Mitchell, a chief architect of the torture regime, who both wrote a book on EITs and testified in hearings on Guantánamo."

"These sources, together with the report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, provide the most complete—and compelling—account to date of America's torture program" in the years after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the publication states.

\u201c\ud83d\udc40 Previously unseen drawings show the various torture methods used by the CIA against Abu Zubaydah, including physical/sexual assault, waterboarding, and more. \n\nContrary to their claims, the report details how the FBI was complicit in his and other detainees' torture.\u201d

— CAGE (@CAGE) 1683816713
Born in Saudi Arabia, Zubaydah moved to the West Bank in Israeli-occupied Palestine as a teenager. He was captured by CIA, FBI, and Pakistani intelligence agents in Pakistan in late March 2002. Shot in the thigh, testicle, and stomach during the raid that led to his capture, Zubaydah—who was mistaken for a high-ranking al-Qaeda member—was transferred to CIA "black sites" in Pakistan, Thailand, Afghanistan, Poland, Northern Africa, and Diego Garcia. In September 2006, he was sent to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, where he remains imprisoned.

Zubaydah was the first so-called "high-value" detainee to be tortured by U.S. agents, who treated him as a human guinea pig.

"Everybody agrees, they tortured the wrong guy; they went ahead anyway so they could get permission to torture other people," Denbeaux told The Guardian, which on Thursday posted the report along with an articleby Ed Pilkington on Zubaydah's experience.

Then-Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, and CIA Director George Tenet gave the green light for U.S. agents to torture Zubaydah—even after learning that the prisoner was cooperative. During one discussion on the matter, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft reportedly remarked: "Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly."

\u201cImagine: 21 yrs without trial in #CIA black sites and #Guantanamo; entire medieval torture program created to \u201cbreak\u201d him but they found no #AlQaeda link & no #9/11 prior knowledge. In fact, he\u2019s compensated by 3 EU nations for facilitating CIA torture 1/ https://t.co/8KhD6nPX2m\u201d

— Moazzam Begg (@Moazzam Begg) 1683807758
Zubaydah was subjected to the interrupted drowning technique known as "waterboarding" 83 times; rape under the pretext of "rectal feeding"; shackling in excruciating "stress positions"; sleep, sensory, and food deprivation; confinement in small boxes; exposure to extreme temperatures and loud music; death threats; beatings and being slammed into walls; sexual and religious humiliation; and other abuses.

Most of the torture techniques approved by the George W. Bush administration—which included waterboarding, deprivation, stress positions, the use of loud music and dogs, slamming into walls, solitary confinement, and exposure to extreme temperatures—are illegal under both domestic and international law.

In addition to these approved EITs, U.S. military and intelligence personnel subjected terrorism detainees—many of them innocent men, women, and children—to additional abuses, including homicide, rape, imprisonment of relatives as bargaining chips, exposure to sometimes lethally extreme temperatures, and brutal beatings.

"Sexual assault was never approved, nudity was never approved, humiliation by having women present was never approved, and nor was subjecting someone to prolonged torture to the point of exhaustion or worse," Denbeaux told The Guardian.

"Prisoners died of torture at Asadadad, Bagram, and Gardez in Afghanistan and at Abu Ghraib, Camp Whitehorse, Basra, Mosul, Tikrit, Bucca, and an unidentified facility in Iraq."

According to a 2005 report by the National Library of Medicine—a federal agency—based on reviews of military documents, 26 War on Terror detainees died as a result of "criminal homicide," although the paper did not say how many prisoners died on the battlefield or while in U.S. custody.

"Prisoners died of torture at Asadadad, Bagram, and Gardez in Afghanistan and at Abu Ghraib, Camp Whitehorse, Basra, Mosul, Tikrit, Bucca, and an unidentified facility in Iraq," the report stated. "These cases do not include deaths due to medical neglect, mortar attacks on prisons, or the shootings of rioting prisoners."

Zubaydah has never been charged with any crime or tried. He is what's known as a "forever prisoner," as the U.S. has no plans to release him.

Last month, the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called for Zubaydah's immediate release while asserting that his continued imprisonment violates the "fundamental rules of international law" and "may constitute crimes against humanity."

\u201cCredit to @ClareDalyMEP for amplifying the UN Working Grp on Arbitrary Detention's decision in our client #AbuZubaydah's case, calling for EU states to step up and offer resettlement. Urgent action needed to end crimes against humanity, torture & arbitrary detention. #Guantanamo\u201d

— Helen Duffy (@Helen Duffy) 1683811253
Thirty men remain imprisoned at Guantánamo. Only one has been convicted of a crime. Ten have cases pending before what former military prosecutors have called "rigged" military tribunals, while 16 have been approved or recommended for release.

The administration of President Joe Biden—who has expressed intent to close Guantánamo—has overseen the transfer of a handful of Gitmo prisoners to third countries.

Denbeaux said that "Abu Zubaydah is the poster child for America's torture program."

"He was the first person to be tortured, having been approved by the Department of Justice based on facts that the CIA knew to be false," Denbeaux noted. "His drawings are the ultimate repudiation of the failure and abuses of torture."
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Пространство ProRelax приглашает на #ярмарку ,проводимую с партнерами:

💥Петрова Ксения AKSINIA - Шоурум вязанных вещей
Вязаные изделия ручной работы

💥Алёнушка Верхотурова:
Алёна Верхотурова
Сибирские чаи, травы, джемы, Батеры для тела с эфирными маслами doTERRA, натуральные дезодоранты и мыла.

💥Яна Сав
Таролог и свечной мастер

💥Лана Чернявская
Психолог, Художник, Танцетерапевт

💥Екатерина Зверкова Астарта

💥Елена Воробьева
Эксклюзивные фиалки

💥Аромаклуб г.Томск
Натуральные эфирные масла
Пространство ProRelax

💥Российская компания AURORA
Нутрицевтики,продукты для красивой и здоровой жизни.
Aurora Томск,Сибирь,Россия,Весь Мир #aurora

14 ч.Открытие -выступление танцевального коллектива Трайбл Дом Янтарь
15 ч.МК Изготовление украшений из натуральных природных материалов Екатерина Зверкова
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Всем привет! Меня зовут Елена Ванюхина и последние 3 года я работаю над брендом детской одежды VLADELENA. Также уже два года я консультирую малый и средний бизнес в сфере швейного производства. 🙌🏻

#vladelena - под этим хэштегом информация о нашем бренде, все изнутри: как создаём, снимаем и т.д. Также публикуем новые модели одежды здесь: Vladelena/Владелена.

В период дикой турбулентности мои самые главные рекомендации:

— не совершать резких движений и не паниковать;
— последовательно тестировать новые гипотезы и каналы коммуникации (не сливать сразу все бюджеты на новые виды рекламы);
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— задуматься о своём позиционировании и о том, как вы можете укрепить свои ценности.

Запись на консультации со мной по созданию бренда одежды, швейного производства, выхода на Wildberries, ведётся через аккаунт @Helen в телеграм. Там же я смогу ответить вам на все вопросы 🙌🏻❤️
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